
Headshot of Nicole, woman with chinlength brown hair and brown eyes, wearing a grey blazer and looking past the camera

For the last 20 years I've worked with thousands of creators and builders globally to use emerging technology and the arts as tools for community sovereignty and sustainability.

I partner with companies, founders and artists to develop and execute on vision, launch projects, foster community, and design strategic communications and visions.



I am energized by the pace and spirit of early stage startups, and am eager to lean in and support founding teams by providing consistency, organization and effective execution. I love to form authentic relationships, and highly value the network I have built over the last eight years working at the intersection of crypto and culture. I draw inspiration from my diverse interests and backgrounds: data privacy, music subcultures, slow food and fashion, women's health, ecology and fiber arts. I deeply believe that communities and creatives should own and benefit from the value they create on the internet and beyond, and know that technology will play an integral role in this revolution.